The Little Luxuries

Helping clients to feel great about themselves is a primary professional motivator.

Some of us think only in terms of skin quality and colour combinations, others are immersed in the client’s whole mind, body and spirit wellbeing.

But sometimes its the little things that make all the difference.

Aesthetics innovator Simone Taylor tells SPA+CLINIC that one day, as she was showering, her husband looked at her and laughed.

It wasn’t at her post-Christmas jelly roll, or even a silly soap-chasing pose, but her puffy shower cap protecting the blow dry!

That was it: a light bulb moment. That simple laugh inspired Simone to solve the problem of those ugly, embarrassing shower caps for women everywhere – the cult of the shower turban is born.

Celebrities are wearing turbans as street and evening wear (think Kourtney Kardashian, Eva Mendes, Rachael Zoe, Katy Perry …) and now, in spas and salons of every star combination around the world, thanks to Aussie Simone, in the bath and shower.

It sounds very frivolous, but it’s really very, very serious. Thanks to the fashion and beauty industries, the media, the fine art of photoshopping and our youth-oriented society – a woman’s self-esteem is often poised in a delicate balance.

The last thing we need is to be laughed at or to make ourselves wince at our own reflection.

Such little things, but they can ruin one’s day or – much worse – chain reactions in self-esteem land are set in motion so easily.

You as therapists share very open yet intimate space with clients. Thus you have to (as we do at SPA+CLINIC) be so careful how and what we communicate engenders trust and respects that women of all ages need nurturing of different kinds.

What has that got to do with turbans? Everything.

The analogy of a puffy ugly shower cap versus an elegant turban that oozes glamour can represent everything that we do in our businesses and every communication we have with our clients.

Do we pick them up or bring them down? It’s a fine line as a therapist.

On that note – get your own turbans!


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