4 Ways To Build Your Personal Brand

You’ve spent countless grueling hours, months, perhaps years building up your business, injecting all your passion and attention into it in order to gain  the recognition that it deserves. But as the face of your business, there may come a time, when you’ve reached certain goals you’ve set for yourself and a healthy number of clientele, that you may want to focus on building your own personal brand as a practitioner, and a successful entrepreneur.

While these exercises are about positioning yourself as an industry leader and establishing yourself and your skillset among your peers, we can’t expect them to immediately translate to sales. But rest assured, the more you do to build your reputation, even on a business-to-business level, will absolutely lead to further success on a consumer level. After all, word travels fast throughout our industry, and if you can demonstrate you are an expert in your field, it will generate a level of success and exclusivity that will put you in high demand to those wanting flawless aesthetic procedures.

Here are some brand building options ideal for practitioners and beauty professionals of all kinds.

Profile pitching
Do you have a story to tell? Profile pitching is a classic PR strategy when brand building for professionals and entrepreneurs. Online and print magazines regularly run business profiles on noteworthy entrepreneurs with an interesting journey, so write down yours, send it out and see what happens. Or perhaps you could create a little Q&A for yourself? This will make journalists’ jobs a whole lot easier and potentially increase your chances of publication.

Blogging has quite a number of benefits attached for business owners and practitioners. It allows you to prove you know your stuff fairly quickly and simply, you can connect with both your consumer audience and other practitioners (if you choose your wording carefully) and is content that’s easy to share, including on social media.

Speaker pitching
Put yourself forward for speaking opportunities – expos, summits, conferences, or other business events in your field. This will get your name out there in a variety of ways: you will be directly in front your peers, demonstrating your knowledge in your area of specialty, your name and bio will be displayed in the event programme and website (improving your online presence) and you may be included in media coverage surrounding the event – just to name a few. This is also a great opportunity to create some fantastic video content for future use.

Entering business awards
If your business wins or places as a finalist in business awards, it adds invaluable credibility to your business. The same goes for individual beauty therapist or practitioner awards. You’ll also receive some addition coverage via the awards website and in most cases social media.

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