Tell Us What You Think – and WIN

Our story The Changing Face of Australia tells how our attitudes – both men’s and women’s – toward non-surgical cosmetic procedures are changing rapidly – and business is booming.

This all has profound implications for the future of our industry and what we need to do to survive and thrive.

So we would like to ask you, our valued readers, for your feedback and expert thoughts on this exciting and ever-changing medi-cosmetic, aesthetics and wellness landscape.

Our 2016 industry survey gives you the opportunity to share with us what you love reading about, what you don’t, and what you would like to see more of.

Your insights will help us shape the future of SPA+CLINIC – and thus what news, views and information we can in turn offer you to help grow your business.

The multiple choice questions should only take a few mines of your time.

All responses are confidential PLUS you can go into the draw to win a mixed case of premium wines!

Keen to share your thoughts? It just takes one click here. Go on, you know you want to …

And have a great weekend!


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