Stephanie Powell – Guinot

Beauty Director Orbe / Norwood / SA

Be passionate and work hard


How I got here
I am from Manchester in the UK so I did most of my training there. I was lucky enough to work in a great salon which had very high standards. The beauty industry was tough in the UK, and on top of that, a couple of years after I started working, the GFC happened! It was at that time that I first trained with Guinot. I moved to Australia in 2011 and after a bit of travel settled in Adelaide, this is when I started working at Orbe.

After only a couple of months I started managing the beauty side and started to introduce some of the brands I love, among them Guinot. In 2013 I won Guinot ambassador of the year for VIC/SA. In 2015 I got the opportunity to buy in to the business and have never looked back! In February this year we won SA state salon of the year from Guinot and along with that came a trip to Paris to the Guinot headquarters.

I think my start in the UK gave me a strong work ethic, and my passion for the industry has driven me to where I am today. I love the interaction with clients and building relationships.

What inspires me
Skincare has always been a passion of mine, I love improving people’s skin and the confidence it can give them. I also really like to educate clients on the best way to improve and maintain their skin by in-salon treatments and homecare products.

When I see a client with a great result from a treatment or a product it inspires me to continue and push myself in the industry. I love to educate and seeing new therapists at the start of their career getting excited over learning new techniques, treatments and products. That’s what inspires me to create an even better salon environment.

My favourites
The best moment of my career so far has to be winning SA sate salon of the year from Guinot and the resulting trip to Paris, it was amazing to go around their factory and see how all the products are made.

My favourite treatment has to be the Hydradermie lift – I love seeing the client’s face the first time they have it done as they love the results, it can really change your face shape and give a more youthful appearance . if I had to choose a favourite product, I actually have two: Gommage Biologique is a great exfoliator; I like using AHAs to exfoliate with. Another new favourite is Age Summum, I don’t think I have ever used such an amazing moisturiser. The results are insane! It treats all of your anti-ageing concerns.

My advice
The best advice I can give to anyone starting out is be a sponge, absorb information given to you, learn, question, ask why, find your passion and see where it takes you. And work hard, of course.

The future of the industry looks promising as there is lots of new technology I am excited to see, especially with facial and body machinery. In the beauty industry, we are providing great treatments to ‘rival’ cosmetic surgery. So I’m excited to see what’s next!


Guinot Hydradermie
Hydradermie lift
Hydra peeling
Eyelash extensions
Lash lift
Henna brows



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