How Viktoria Reeva Academy Aims To Raise The Bar In Aesthetics

How Viktoria can help unlock the secret to building an ethical yet profitable business.

Award Winning Entrepreneur, Global Speaker and Founder Viktoria Reeva has strived to treat over 6,000 patients from around Australia to become more confident in their physical appearance. Through her passion and personal global training and as Australia’s number 1 awarded Cosmetic Specialist, she created the path to mentor and support cosmetic providers on how to raise industry standards, increase knowledge and create substantial wealth and success. 

Based on her existing experience of mentoring and supporting those entering the industry or building their own successes, Viktoria has launched the Viktoria Reeva Academy, designed to support educating aesthetic cosmetic providers and coaching them in how to build substantial wealth and success.

We sat down with Viktoria to learn more about what led her to pursue the Viktoria Reeva Academy, and what’s involved in the academy’s training programs.

Viktoria (pictured left) was recently announced as a Winner for Cosmetic Injectables (Victoria) in the Small Business Champion awards.

“I am extremely honoured and grateful to be announced as a Winner of for Cosmetic Injectables Victoria. This award I consider as one of the most valuable ones. No one gets popular just by chance. This is the result of commitment, hard work, sleepless nights, taking risky chances, not being afraid to loose everything and much much more.”

Viktoria Reeva

Based on both your personal and professional experience within this industry, what led you to building Viktoria Reeva Academy?

After being in the industry as a cosmetic injector for over 7 years I saw there was a gap in the market for those needing to run a successful business. At school they teach us how to be good with sales and a good employer but they don’t teach us how to be a successful business owner and how to give our clients what’s best for them. My main goal is to help others to grow out of the money mindset and into the abundance mindset to achieve their lasting positive life changes. 

I work to create a whole new mindset, im not just teaching you how to make money, this is the wrong mindset to have if you’re wanting success, im wanting to teach abundance and growth. In the aesthetic industry we focus too much on the sale and not enough on the authenticity of why we do what we do. 

I entered the world of aesthetic coaching with the purpose to share my knowledge of running a successful business. I am passionate about bringing an awareness to our inject community and how to bypass any pit falls. 

The journey of running a small business is a dynamic and compelling one, filled with peaks of success, valleys of challenges and unexpected turns. Unfortunately, about 80% of small businesses don’t cross the threshold of their first 5 years. Let me SHOW YOU how you can be in the successful 20%.

If someone is looking to become a cosmetic injector, what are your top 3 pieces of advice?

  • First things first. Are you wanting to become an injector for the money and glamour or are you wanting to help people?
  • Secondly, be as well educated as you can in your field. We need to elevate this industry to something better, there are way to many “injectors” out there who have ruined peoples’ lives because they got into the industry for the wrong reasons. 
  • Thirdly, just keep going because effort compounds. Don’t wait for perfect moment. Expect a miracle. Create and live your life by design not by default.

Viktoria is available for speaking, professional mentoring and structured business advice – offering 30 to 45 minutes business discovery calls, as well face-to-face coaching.

To learn more about Viktoria Reeve Academy, visit the website here.

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