Transform Your Clients’ Skin In 5 Days

Unleash the Power of Herbal C-Peel by Alex Cosmetic.

The Origin of Herbal Peels

Phytotherapy, the ancient practice of using plants to improve human life, is deeply rooted in nearly all cultures. It is a field that involves the study of biologically active natural substances. Today’s use of plants is guided by four distinct branches of science:

●      Phytopharmacognosy – the study of physical, chemical, biochemical and biological properties of herbs. It is closely linked with phytochemistry. 

●      Pharmacology – which describes the interactions that occur between a living organism and chemicals that affect the functions of the organism. 

●      Pharmacy – which is the study of preparation and dispensing of medicinal drugs. 

●      Toxicology – which overlaps all three, studying adverse effects of chemical substances on the living organism. 

Plants are made up of different chemicals and molecules, and many scientists believe that they reach their maximum potential when used in their entirety, rather than as isolated drugs. The individual components of the plant act synergistically to support, enhance, or mitigate each other’s effects. As an example, the Aloe vera plant is known to contain at least 200 different vitamins, minerals and trace elements. 

The origins of herbal peeling lie in the thorough study of ancient texts, which were found to be remarkably accurate upon rigorous examination by the German government-appointed Commission E. The first herbal peeling trials were conducted under medical supervision with the goal of providing an alternative solution for acne and impure skin. Clinical trials at the Institute for Experimental Dermatology at the University of Witten-Herdecke in Essen, Germany, established the final protocol for herbal peels.

Exploring Herbs2Peel’s Epidermal Peel

Alex’ Herbal C-Peel is an epidermal peeling treatment that resurfaces the skin over a 5-day period and is the culmination of years of studies on herbal peels. In addition to improving the appearance of acne, the C-Peel has been observed to improve the appearance of pigmentation, scarring, lines, wrinkles and sun-damaged skin. This treatment is suitable for all skin types on the Fitzpatrick scale, as illustrated by photos from one of our Melbourne skin clinics (top row before and after) and Haus of Dermal in Sydney (bottom row before and after).

**Real-life patient before and after images. Individual outcomes may vary.

The herbal complex that makes the C-Peel consists of a combination of fourteen different herbs, carefully hand-picked, dehydrated, and crushed. These herbs are then activated with a liquid extract containing panthenol, allantoin, aloe vera, and hamamelis. The resulting herbal paste is massaged into the skin. After the massage, a residue of herbal particles can be felt on the skin. These particles dissolve into the skin, delivering their active ingredients in a time-release fashion.

Key Ingredients in Herbs2Peel’s Epidermal Peel

Horsetail (Equisetum Arvense)

Image source:

Known for its remarkable silica content, horsetail stands out as the plant with the highest concentration of this essential mineral. Silica plays a critical role in maintaining optimal levels of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid in the body, making it an often overlooked yet powerful ingredient in assisting with anti-ageing.

A comprehensive study by Jutta Opperman titled “Beauty from Inside Out with Silicic Acid” provides further insight, as does this study on “Biological and therapeutic effects of ortho-silicic acid.

Pansy (Viola Tricolor)

Another fascinating herb used in our herbal peel is the pansy. According to an ancient text, it is hailed as ‘the herb for girls with blemished skin.’ This historical reference may explain the efficacy of our herbal peel, particularly in skin prone to breakouts

Additional Key Ingredients

German chamomile, Fenugreek, and Aloe vera are carefully chosen for their soothing qualities on the skin. And extracts of Lungwort and Sage are used for skin appearance. 

Final Thoughts

Herbal peeling has demonstrated a high level of safety, ensuring the skin barrier remains intact during treatment and throughout the peeling process. This minimises the risk of infection, and there is no increase in sun sensitivity in the newly revealed skin.

Our comprehensive ‘New Skin in 5 Days’ procedure is referred to as the C-Peel (C for corrective). For those seeking options with minimal downtime, we offer the B-Peel (B for beauty) and the Phyto-Peels. These alternatives provide trained aestheticians with flexibility in terms of downtime and treatment cost. However, for results comparable to a full C-Peel a series of 3 or 4 B-Peels is required. 

Alex Cosmetic is available through trained and qualified skin clinics, Australia-wide.

 Distributed in Australia by OmniDerm Pty. Ltd
51-53 Tinning Street, Brunswick VIC 3056
T: 03 9645 0200

Written by Paul Fister, B.Bus (Mktg), Dip. Form. Chem., Member ASCC
