Analyse This!

ClinicalPro’s new Soft Plus clinical diagnostic analysis system has multiple benefits – it offers not only six skin measurements but can be used to determine treatment protocols for scalp and hair health, cellulite and hair removal.

Soft Plus’s innovative micro-camera consultation programs include a 3D analysis of wrinkles and pigmentation mapping, and up to 20 consultation programs to cover all of your clients’ needs from top to toe.

Results may be obtained in two ways: There are quick view rapid print-out tests for hydration, elasticity, sebum, pH, melanin, temperature, phototype and biological skin age; and consultation programs which include complexion health and beauty, anti-ageing assessments, UV tolerance, sensitive skin, skin brightening, pre-laser consultation, hand beauty, hair/scalp health, cellulite and liquid retention screening, acne consultation and hair removal consultation.

Soft Plus is a completely stand-alone system – gone are the days when instruments are to be connected to PCs to operate or store patient files.


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