Two For One

There are myriad benefits of combining the use of two or more aesthetic devices to get the best results for clients.

But new Ulfit offers two technologies in one device for face lifting and body contouring using two ground-breaking technologies: Micro Focused Ultrasound and Macro Focused Circular Ultrasound for skin laxity and body contouring treatments.

It can be used successfully on many problem areas of the face and body – to treat the forehead, eyebrows, periorbital area, cheeks, jowl line, double chin, neck, V-line forming of neck, décolletage, love handles, abdomen, flanks and thighs. Ulfit is a simple treatment with low downtime that rejuvenates and delivers visible results.

Face Lifting: Three different settings can target various layers of the skin (epidermis, 1.5mm; 3mm; SMAS, 4.5mm to provide targeted treatment and longer-lasting results, for treatment of wrinkles, fine lines or sagging skin on the face or neck. Because Ulfit Face Lifting targets various depths, even deep wrinkles can be improved using this treatment.

Body Contouring: The unique circular motion of the body cartridge covers large treatment areas efficiently and precisely to target the fat layer (13mm).

With the exception of a few medical contraindications, Ulfit is appropriate for all patients with ageing concerns.

The device is equipped with rapid shot movement, making it highly precise and efficient in its treatment.

Treatment times vary, depending on the area of treatment: the entire face and body can be delivered in approximately 45 minute or to individual areas of the face or body in as little as 15 minutes.

Some people notice an immediate result after treatment, while most begin to see improvements 8 weeks after the first treatment.

These results will continue to improve for up to 12 weeks. Ulfit is specifically engineered with a system to minimise any discomfort during treatment.

This enables maximum ultrasound emission power levels to be delivered comfortably, ensuring the best results from the treatment.


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