Recipe: Strawberry and Rose Kombucha

It’s not just trendy wholefood cafes celebrating kombucha (arguably the hippest “health-drink” out).

With day spas serving it as an accompaniment to relaxation treatments, the tea-based tonic is fast becoming the tipple of choice in many facets of the wellness world.

Kombucha is made by fermenting black or green tea with a culture of yeast and good bacteria – the natural probiotic properties are unlocked through the preservation process. It can also be customised according to taste with various infusions including rose petals.

While origins of the leafy brew are hotly debated, most agree it is a folk medicine of the most ancient variety. Some say it can be traced back to the Tsin Dynasty in China, while others claim Egyptian healers had first dibs on the art of fermenting tea.

According to market analyst Mintel, the global demand for the lightly carbonated elixir worth USD 500 million in 2015, and is predicted to grow at a rate of 25% per year until 2020.

The popularity surge makes sense as the link between gut health and good bacteria is well known and age-old natural healing therapies of all kinds are experiencing a resurgence as of late.

“For me, making health tonics is about connecting with myself, others and the earth as well as being totally present,” says Gillian Kozicki founder of Cultured Artisans.

When SPA+CLINIC attended the Lux Resorts and Hotels media conference at Flying Fish restaurant in Sydney, we met key speaker Gillian Kozicki founder of Cultured Artisans.

Gillian became interested in the healing properties of kombucha in 2012, after an epileptic seizure depleted her energy levels.

“I was always tired and no one could fix me,” she explained. “I felt like my body and the medical system failed me. Even though my seizures were under control, I just wanted more out of life.”

“As it contains beneficial bacteria that can balance the gut, adding kombucha to your diet can improve digestion and fight candida.

“It also promotes a strong immune system and general well-being as the natural anti-microbial properties protect the body against harmful bacteria.”

With first-class escapes all over the world, The Lux Group’s resorts are enriched with quirky pop-ups such as Chinese tea houses and gelato carts with weird flavours (asparagus and tomato) that patrons claim are “actually delicious”.

l-r: Phoebe Joel founder of Tibetan Sound Healing, Matt Branagan Co-Founder of The Work-Shop (an expert in fun and creative educational events), Gillian Kozicki founder of Cultured Artisans, Megan Staal director of Alchemy PR and Dr Giles Sadler founder of The Moxa Punk.

The group have partnered with Australian wellness experts and are hosting diverse cross-section of workshops in Lux Resorts in Mauritius, Reunion Island and the Maldives.

Sessions operate on the principle that people often make life-changing decisions on holiday, so they aim to inspire guests to discover hidden creative talents (or simply spark interest).

Masterclasses include cupping with Dr Giles Sadler, a Melbourne based Chinese medicine practitioner known as The Moxa Punk. Leading sound-healer, Phoebe Joel, will school attendees on the ancient Tibetan protocols of her art, while Gillian Kozicki will hold D.I.Y kombucha making courses.

The lush spread at one of Gillian’s kombucha making classes.

Gillian Kozicki shares a taste of her exotic masterclass offering with SPA+CLINIC. Here is her recipe for Strawberry and Rose Kombucha.

Gillian showed us some of the key components of making kombucha.

Simple Kombucha Recipe

What you need:

1 litre clean glass jar to brew Kombucha in.

Kombucha SCOBY (the culture) and 100ml starter liquid from a previous batch.

1 litre of filtered water.

2 tea bags or 1 tablespoon of black organic loose, leaf tea in a reusable tea bag. (Don’t use herbal tea to brew kombucha.)

1/3 cup sugar.

A piece of dense woven cloth to cover the opening of the jar and a tea towel.

An elastic or piece of string to tie around the jar.

Saucepan, funnel and clean glass bottle (or flip top bottle for storage of the brewed Kombucha)


  1. Bring the water to the boil in the saucepan then turn off the heat
  2. Add the tea bags
  3. Add the sugar and stir to dissolve
  4. Remove the tea bags after 15 minutes and cool the sweetened tea to body temperature
  5. In the clean jar, add the sweetened tea and the starter liquid
  6. Place the culture or SCOBY on top. (SCOBY is a Symbiotic Colony Of Bacteria & Yeast)
  7. Cover the top of the jar with a dense cotton cloth secured with an elastic to avoid contact with dust, insects or curious cats!
  8. Wrap the jar in a clean tea towel or other cloth to block the light.
  9. Label with the date started
  10. Brew for 8-18 days depending on the flavour you like and the ambient air temperature. In this time it will grow a baby SCOBY, so you will have 2. You have control of the sweetness based on how long you ferment it for. A longer ferment means more tart & less sugar.
  11. When the brew is ready, pour off 90% to consume, remove the SCOBY and use the remaining 10% as starter liquid for the next batch. (Start next batch from step 1)
  12. Pour the 90% into a clean flip top jar using the funnel.
  13. Store in the fridge or second ferment for 24-48 hours to flavour and increase carbonation, then move to the fridge.
  14. Even when in the fridge, burp the bottle regularly to avoid excess carbonation.
You can infuse your brew with many different things – the Cultured Artisan’s strawberry and rose variety is pictured on the far right.

Second Ferment – Strawberry & Rose Infusion


750 ml fermented kombucha

1/4 punnet of strawberries

1/2 lime in slices

1/3 vanilla pod cut in halves

1 teaspoon of ginger, grated

Some cardamon pods

Up to a dessert spoon of rose petals

2 clean flip-top bottles


  1. Pour fermented kombucha into a flip-top bottle.
  2. Wash the strawberries and cut them into pieces that will fit through the neck of the bottle. then add kombucha.
  3. Add the lime slices, rose petals, cardamon pods, grated ginger and vanilla pod pieces to kombucha.
  4. Place flip top bottle on the bench and wait 1-3 days to infuse the flavours.
  5. Strain the kombucha into a fresh flip-top bottle (optional).
  6. Store in fridge.
  7. To serve add some rose petals, fresh strawberries and mint.
  8. Enjoy best served cold.

Gillian Kozicki is the passion behind Cultured Artisans. When conventional medicine failed to keep Gillian well, she investigated alternatives, starting with whole foods and a healthy organic diet. Gillian has combined her love of home prepared good food and supporting good health. Gillian has spent many hours finding a rhythm that is working for her, her family and the friends she ferments with! This has given rise to her teaching her passion to empower others to ‘ferment to better health’.

She partners with LUX* Resorts & Hotels in their launch of a unique calendar of expert-led Australian created workshops, designed to inspire creativity and boost guest health and well-being. The impressive line-up talent will be teaching their arts, knowledge and skills on the global stage at their resorts in Mauritius, Reunion Island and the Maldives throughout 2017 and beyond.

She also holds workshops in Australia for businesses and individuals.


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